Richard G. Petty, MD

Seek Wholeness Inside Yourself

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“I am called to seek wholeness inside of myself. Healing begins here, in myself. Wholeness and unity begin inside of myself. If I am growing toward wholeness, then I’ll be an agent of wholeness. If our community is an agent of wholeness, then it will be a source of life for the world around it.”

–Jean Vanier (Canadian Catholic Philosopher, Humanitarian and the Founder of L’Arche, 1928-)

“Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life” (Frederic Brussat, Mary Ann Brussat)

How to Heal the Big Problems


“The broad sympathies and discerning insight needed for the healing of earthly woes cannot flow from a mere intellectual consideration of human diversities, but from knowledge of men’s deepest unity – kinship with God.”    

–Paramahansa Yogananda (Indian Spiritual Teacher and, in 1920, Founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship, 1893-1952)   

“Autobiography of a Yogi” (Paramahansa Yogananda)

Common Pattern of Perception


“In the thick of our views exists a common pattern of perception…. the pattern is a weave of united processes. We now need to see this ‘weave’ in the human nervous system and the cosmos’s system alike. The wider and sharper our vision becomes – and the more flexible our definitions of these systems become – the more the conceptual boundaries between the beholder (brain) and the beheld (universe) will overlap.”   

–Todd Siler (American Visual Artist, Educator, Inventor and Author, 1953-)

“Breaking the Mind Barrier” (Todd Siler)

Science and Spirituality

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“The deepest intelligence of philosophy and science are inseparable from a religious view of the world.”   

–Rudjer Boskovic (Dubrovnik-born Jesuit Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer and Philosopher, 1711-1787)   

Health Is Harmony

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“Health is harmony with the world view. Health is an intuitive perception of the universe and all its inhabitants as being of one fabric.”    

–Jeanne Achterberg (American Writer, Lecturer and Patient Advocate, 1942-2012)   

“Shamanism (Quest Book)” (Shirley J. Nicholson)

Conscious Cooperation

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“If we learn how to consciously cooperate with the creative force of planetary evolution as it is shaping up with the passage of time, mankind’s age-old dream of the kingdom of heaven on earth, i.e., an internationally unified world order controlled by the power of truth, justice and love, can inevitably come true.”

–Haridas Chaudhuri (Bengali Integral Philosopher and Founder of the California Institute of Integral Studies, 1913-1975)           

“Karma: The Universal Law of Harmony” (Theosophical Publishing House)

The Unity of Experience


“In some reports, particularly of the mystic experience or the religious experience or philosophical experience, the whole of the world is seen as unity, as a single rich live entity. In other of the peak experiences, most particularly the love experience and the aesthetic experience, one small part of the world is perceived as if it were for the moment all of the world.”        

–Abraham H. Maslow (American Psychologist, 1908-1970)

“Toward a Psychology of Being, 3rd Edition” (Abraham H. Maslow)

Realizing Unity


“Unity is destined to become more and more fully realized.”           

–Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (French Jesuit Priest, Mystic, Paleontologist and Author, 1881-1955)                                        

“The prayer of the universe;: Selected from Writings in time of war (Perennial library)” (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

Unified Through Enlightenment

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“Men of vision caught glimpses of truth and beauty shining aloft like stars: and in these glimpses was a new hope for the unification of mankind through enlightenment.”         

–Sir Robert Falconer (Canadian Academic, Bible Scholar and, from 1907-1932, President of the University of Toronto, 1867-1943)   

The Manifold and The One

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“The conviction that there is a Unitary Whole revealing itself to us as a Manifold….is something deep-seated in the human mind, which has come to the surface recurrently among people of the most various races and schools of thought.”          

–Agnes Arber (English Botanist, 1879-1960)

“Manifold and the One” (Agnes Arber)   

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