“The failure to appreciate the resourcefulness of human existence – which we call basic goodness – has become one of the world’s biggest problems.”
–Chögyam Trungpa (Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Teacher, Scholar, Artist and Founder of Naropa University, 1940-1987)

“Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior (Shambhala Classics)” (Chogyam Trungpa)

Such an important, oft-forgotten truth:
“Awareness heals.”
–Stephen Levine (American Poet, Writer and Spiritual Teacher Best Known for His Work on Grief, Death and Dying, 1937-)

“Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker’s Journey” (Stephen Levine)

“All the problems of the individual and of humanity have to do with a block in and most important, may be resolved by the flow of love/consciousness.”
–Alan Oken (American Spiritual Teacher, Astrologer and Minister of the Church of Religious Science, 1944-)

“Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self” (Alan Oken)

“Where there is tranquility, there is neither craving nor aversion, but a steady will to conform to the divine Tao or Logos on every level of existence and a steady awareness of the divine Suchness and what should be one’s own relation to it.”
–Aldous Huxley (English Novelist and Critic, 1894-1963)

“The Perennial Philosophy” (Aldous Huxley)

“Any time you react negatively to a person or to anything you must understand that this is your own unfinished business. Do you hear that?”
–-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (Swiss-born American Psychologist, 1926-2004)

“The Cocoon & the Butterfly (Kbler-Ross in Person)” (M.D., Elisabeth Kbler-Ross)

“You yourself are the lodging wherein God dwells, and the closet and hiding-place wherein He is hidden.”
–Saint John of The Cross (Spanish Christian Mystic and Poet, 1542-1591)

“The Essential Writings: Selections from The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, and The Living Flame of Love (Western Spiritual Classics)” (St. John of the Cross)

“Anyone of any tribe or nation or language who in any sincere way turns to a Great Spirit, calling Him God or Allah or Life of whatever else he will, opens a door that God may enter his conscious mind and answer his prayers according to his faith.”
–Agnes Sanford (American Charismatic Christian Healer, teacher and Writer, 1897-1982)

“Behold Your God” (Agnes Sanford)

“God sent prophets to all three areas of the soul: philosophers to enlighten the intellect, prophets to straighten out the will, and myth-makers to tease and touch the emotions with a desire for himself.”
–Peter Kreeft (American Catholic Apologist and Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, 1938-)

“Heaven, the Heart’s Deepest Longing” (Peter Kreeft)

“Indeed, as proclaimed by all great religious convictions, a unity characterizes this emergent mind and the basic order of the universe.”
–Karl Pribram (Austrian-born American Neuroscientist, 1919-)

“The nature of life is a process of evolution in which we become progressively more whole, psychologically and spiritually.”
–Joan Borysenko (American Psychologist, Writer, Mystic and Speaker, 1945-)

“7 Paths to God: The Ways of the Mystic” (Joan Z. Borysenko)
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