“By contrast with history, evolution is an unconscious process. Another, and perhaps a better way of putting it would be to say that evolution is a natural process, history a human one…. Insofar as we treat man as a part of nature–for instance in a biological survey of evolution–we are precisely not treating him as a historical being. As a historically developing being, he is set over against nature, both as a knower and as a doer.”
–Owen Barfield (English Lawyer, Philosopher, Anthroposophist and a Founder Member of the Inklings Literary Group, 1898-1997)

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
–Albert Pike (American Lawyer, Masonic Author and Historian, 1809-1891)

“Behind all outwardly manifested form is a timeless realm of absolute consciousness.
It is the great Oneness underlying all the diversity, all the myriad forms of nature. It may be called God, or may be deemed beyond all naming….
The world of nature, in short, is but a reflection of the eternal world of Creative imagining. The inner core of man, that which in each of us might be called spirit, is a droplet of the divine source. As such, it is imperishable and eternal, for life cannot be extinguished.
The outer sheath in which it manifests can, of course, wear out and be discarded; but to speak of ‘death’ in relation to the true being and spirit of man is irrelevant.”
–Sir George Trevelyan (English Spiritual Teacher, Writer and Founder of the Wrekin Trust, 1906-1996)

“A Vision of the Aquarian Age” (George Trevelyan)

“It takes days of practice to learn the art of sauntering. Commonly we stride through the out-of-doors too swiftly to see more than the most obvious and prominent things. For observing nature, the best pace is a snail’s pace.”
–Edwin Way Teale (American Naturalist and Pulitzer Prize -Winning Writer, 1899-1980)
“Circle of the Seasons (Edwin Way Teale Library of Nature Classics)” (Edwin Way Teale)

“I am rediscovering the whole sexual dimension of life at the age of 86, really. And that also means discovering the feminine. So the whole of this dimension, which I had been seeking for a very long time, is now sort of opening itself up to me.”
–Bede Griffiths (a.k.a. Alan Richard Griffiths, a.k.a. Swami Dayananda (Bliss of Compassion), English-born Benedictine Monk and Missionary, Author and Proponent of Integral Thought and Wisdom Christianity, 1906-1993)

“Your consciousness can travel at the speed of slow trains, it can travel at the speed of Light, and it can travel even faster. Hence, time and space are functions of consciousness. Consciousness is out of the scope of time and space…”
–Peter Konstantinov Deunov (a.k.a. Master Beinsa Douno, Bulgarian Spiritual Master and Founder of a School of Esoteric Christianity, 1864-1944)
(Originally published in Youth Esoteric Class, year 1, Lecture 13, Contradictions in Life, 24 May 1922)
“Prophet for Our Times: The Life and Teachings of Peter Deunov” (Peter Duenov)

“Examine thus yourself from every side.
Note harmful thoughts and every futile striving.
Thus it is that heroes in the Bodhisattva path
Apply the remedies to keep a steady mind.”
–Shantideva (Indian Buddhist Scholar at Nalanda University, 8th Century)

“The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara (Shambhala Classics)” (Shantideva)

A small shift in your thinking can help you to reap enormous rewards. It doesn’t mean being a Polyanna, just thinking pausing and evaluating people and situations differently:
“Experienced spiritual researchers know what strength they gain by always looking for the good in everything and withholding their critical judgment. This practice should not remain simply an outer rule of life, but must take hold of the innermost part of the soul.”
–Rudolf Steiner (Croatian-born Austrian Mystic, Occultist, Social Philosopher, Architect and Founder of Anthroposophy, 1861-1925)

“How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation” (Rudolf Steiner)

“It is as if evolution has built a safety device in our nervous system that allows us to experience full happiness only when we are living at 100%–when we are fully using the physical and mental equipment we have been given.”
–Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Italian-born Hungarian American Psychologist and Author, 1934-)

“Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning” (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

“Jesus said, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
–Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, 1926-)
Quoting The Gospel of Thomas, verse 70 in:

“Living Buddha, Living Christ 10th Anniversary Edition” (Thich Nhat Hanh)
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