Watch Your Basket Grow
“Concentrate: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket.”
–Andrew Carnegie (Scottish-born American Steel Magnate and Philanthropist, 1935-1919)
Strange Fears
“Men fear silence as they fear solitude, because both give them a glimpse of the terror of life’s nothingness.”
–André Maurois (French Writer, 1885-1967)
Scientific Freedom
“The real scientist is ready to bear privation and, if need be, starvation rather than let anyone dictate to him which direction his work must take.”
–Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (a.k.a. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi de Nagyraolt, Hungarian-born American Biochemist and, in 1937, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1893-1986)
The Holographic Universe
“Every discernible part or process is a sort of microcosm or hologram. That is to say, the whole is expressed in or implied by every part, as is the brain in each one of its cells.”
–Alan W. Watts (English-born American Philosopher, Writer, Speaker and Expert in Comparative Religion, 1915-1973)
The Inner Garment of the Soul
“Honor is the inner garment of the Soul; the first thing put on by it with the flesh, and the last it layeth down at its separation from it.”
–Akhenaton (Egyptian King who rejected the old gods and initiated the monotheist worship of the Sun God Aton, c.1375-c.1358 B.C.)
Teaching People How To Treat Us
“People treat us the way we teach them to treat us.”
–Wayne Dyer (American Author and Inspirational Speaker, 1940-)
The Altar of the Earth
“The whole earth is the altar whereon God pours out His life and love.”
–Agnes Sanford (American Charismatic Christian Healer, teacher and Writer, 1897-1982)
“Most people who ask advice of others have already resolved to act as it pleases them.”
–Adolph von Knigge (German Writer and Freemason, 1752-1796)
Alive With Godhead
“Jesus saw and knew that the entire creation was alive with Godhead; he saw and knew that at the core of human consciousness lay a spark of divine consciousness in which the glory of the Godhead is always reflected and which is one with the Godhead.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)
Humanity Has a Spiritual Unity
“All mythology involves a corresponding philosophy; and if there is only one mythology, as there is only one ‘perennial philosophy’, then that ‘the myth is not my own, I had it from my mother’ (Euripides) points to a spiritual unity of the human race already predetermined long before the discovery of metals. It may be really true that as Alfred Jeremias said, the various cultures of mankind are no more than the dialects of one and the same spiritual language.”
–Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (Sri Lankan Philosopher, 1877-1947)