The Eternal Dance
“It is this Eternal Dance that is always, at every moment, creating, destroying, and recreating all things; all things in all worlds and at every subtle level of all known and unknown universes are the constantly changing and evolving expressions of this secret lightning-dance, this vast blissful ecstatic dance, the Dance of the Sacred Marriage between the “masculine” and “feminine” poles and powers of the Godhead…”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)
“Enlightenment for Everyone: A Practical Guide to Realizing Your True Nature” (Paul Ferrini)
Mystical Consciousness Gives Us A Way Out
“Without a belief in, and the radical cultivation of, mystical consciousness and the insights into the interconnectedness of all reality in sacred joy and sacred love that it alone can bring, we will not be able to develop the necessary awareness to help us solve the terrible problems that threaten our lives and the very life of the planet.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)
The Sacred Soul
“For God, every soul is sacred and blessed and always God’s child; the soul may forget its home and inheritance and identity, but God never forgets and acts in thousands of secret and overt ways to remind the soul of its real nature.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)
Alive With Godhead
“Jesus saw and knew that the entire creation was alive with Godhead; he saw and knew that at the core of human consciousness lay a spark of divine consciousness in which the glory of the Godhead is always reflected and which is one with the Godhead.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)

Every Soul if Sacred
“For God, every soul is sacred and blessed and always God’s child; the soul may forget its home and inheritance and identity, but God never forgets and acts in thousands of secret and overt ways to remind the soul of its real nature.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)
The Constantly Explosive Dance
“Reality [is] one constantly explosive dance of divine energy, love, and bliss, interconnected in all of its events and particulars.”
–Andrew Harvey (Indian-born English Philosopher, 1952-)