Richard G. Petty, MD

Systems Within Systems


“Indeed, an outstanding property of all life is the tendency to form multileveled structures of systems within systems. Each of these forms a whole with respect to its parts while at the same time being a part of a larger whole.”     

–Fritjof Capra (Austrian-born American Physicist, Futurist and Writer, 1939-)

“The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems” (Fritjof Capra)  

Cooperation and Creativity


“Life is a triumph of cooperation and creativity. Indeed, since the creation of the first nucleated cells, evolution has proceeded through ever more intricate arrangements of cooperation and coevolution.”         

–Fritjof Capra (Austrian-born American Physicist, Futurist and Writer, 1939-)   

“The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems” (Fritjof Capra)

The Web of Life


“The ‘web of life’ is, of course, an ancient idea, which has been used by poets, philosophers, and mystics throughout the ages to convey their sense of the interwovenness and interdependence of all phenomena.”

–Fritjof Capra (Austrian-born American Physicist, Futurist and Writer, 1939-)

The Web of Life, A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems

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