Richard G. Petty, MD

Our Dual Natures


“There is an internal man and an external man, the internal man is in the spiritual world, and the external man in the natural world; thus the former is in the light of heaven, and the latter in the light of the world.”     

–Emanuel Swedenborg (Swedish Scientist, Mystic and Philosopher, 1688-1772)   

“Arcana Coelestia: Or Heavenly Mysteries Contained in the Sacred Scriptures or, Word of the Lord. Volume 5” (Emanuel Swedenborg)  

Earth Spirituality

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“A basic tenet of Earth spirituality: Any element of Earth, because of its origin in spirit, can evoke all the power of the sacred, can become more than just plant, tree, or stone. It can transform itself and become PLANT, TREE, or STONE because each form of matter contains within it a divine logos.”         

–Stephen Harrod Buhner (American Poet, Writer, Ecologist and Psychotherapist, 1952-)

“One Spirit, Many Peoples: A Manifesto for Earth Spirituality” (Stephen Harrod Buhner)

Watering the Soul


“The tree that is beside the running water is fresher and gives more fruit.”  

–Saint Teresa of Ávila

 (a.k.a. St. Teresa de Jesus, Spanish Nun, Mystic and Author, 1515-1582)   

Timeless and Spaceless

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“Spirit is timeless as well as spaceless. Spirit is whole and resists division in time or space. Spirit is not being, but the purpose and truth of being. Spirit is mind, the whole mind, Spirit is both transcendent and immanent. The transcendental and the immanent become fused in spirit.”    

–Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (Russian Theologian and Religious Philosopher, 1874-1948)   

Self-Realization and God-Realization

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“The Infinite alone justifies the existence of the finite and the finite by itself has no entirely separate value or independent existence.

Life, if it is not an illusion, is a divine Play, a manifestation of the glory of the Infinite.

Or it is a means by which the soul growing in Nature through countless forms and many lives can approach, touch, feel and unite itself through love and knowledge and faith and adoration and a Godward will in works with this transcendent Being and this infinite Existence.

This Self or this self-existent Being is the one supreme reality, and all things else are either only appearances or only true by dependence upon it. It follows that self-realization and God-realization are the great business of the living and thinking human being.

All life and thought are in the end a means of progress towards self-realization and God-realization.”

–Sri Aurobindo (a.k.a. Aurobindo Ghose, Indian Nationalist Leader, Mystic, Philosopher and Creator of Purna (Integral) Yoga, 1872-1950)

God’s Secret Stairway

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“There is a well-known saying which tells us very truly and very beautifully that ‘God has His own secret stairway into every heart.’”      

–William Barclay (Scottish Theologian, Religious Writer and Broadcaster, 1907-1978)                                          

“The Letter to the Hebrews (New Daily Study Bible)” (William Barclay)   

Your Intuition: Contacting, Listening and Acting

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“By learning to contact, listen to, and act on our intuition, we can directly connect to the higher power of the universe and allow it to become our guiding force.”           

–Shakti Gawain (American Writer and Teacher on Human Potential, 1948-)


Spiritual Magnetism


“He [Peter Deunov] is the greatest spiritual magnet yet able to appear on the earth. He will magnetize his disciples with the magnetism of love, and they in turn will transmit this magnetism to humankind as a whole.”

–René Guénon (a.k.a. Shaykh `Abd al-Wahid Yahya, French Intellectual, Metaphysician and Writer on the Perennial Philosophy, 1886-1951)                                          


Spiritual Experiences

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“All spiritual experiences are sensations in the body. They are simply a graded series of sensations, beginning with the solidity of earth and passing gradually, in full consciousness, through liquidness and the emanation of heat to that of a total vibration before reaching the Void.”   

–Sri Anirvan (a.k.a. Narendra Chandra Dhar, Bengali Monk, Vedic Scholar, Philosopher and Writer, 1896-1978)   

Expressing Spirituality

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“The spiritual life finds its most potent expression in the man who lives the ordinary life of men in the strength of the Yoga…”     

–Sri Aurobindo (a.k.a. Aurobindo Ghose, Indian Nationalist Leader, Mystic, Philosopher and Creator of Purna (Integral) Yoga, 1872-1950)

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