Knowledge and Mastery
“All things that ever were, that are, or that will be, having; their record upon the astral light, or tablet of the unseen universe, the initiated adept, by using the vision of his own spirit, can know all that has been known or can be known.”
–Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Russian Author, Translator and Founder of the Theosophical Society, 1831-1891)
Knowledge Is Our Destiny
“We are a scientific civilization. That means a civilization in which knowledge and its integrity are crucial. Science is only a Latin word for knowledge. Knowledge is our destiny.”
–Jacob Bronowski (Polish-born British Scientist, Author and Poet, 1908-1974)
“The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence” (Carl Sagan)
Knowing What You Know
“The best part of our knowledge is that which teaches us where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins.”
–Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (American Physician, Writer, Poet and Speaker, 1809-1894)
Inner Knowing
“We have a theology in our biology. It is instinctual, just as birds know their paths, beavers build dams, and whales communicate with one another. We are born with knowledge of natural laws, through which the divine reveals or animates its presence in our bones, blood, tissues – our cellular beings.”
–Caroline Myss (American Medical Intuitive, Mystic and Author, 1952-)
“Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul’s Purpose” (Caroline Myss)
What We Need to Advance
“The conditions of advance are these: global unity of mankind’s noetic organization or system of awareness, but a high degree of variety within that unity; love, with goodwill and full cooperation; personal integration and internal harmony; and increasing knowledge….
We, mankind, contain the possibilities of the earth’s immense future, and can realize more and more of them on condition that we increase our knowledge and our love.”
–Julian Huxley (English Evolutionary Biologist, 1887-1975)
Knowledge of the Divine
“Knowledge of created beings is one thing, and knowledge of the divine truth is another. The second surpasses the first just as the sun outshines the moon. Knowledge of created beings increases the more we observe the commandments actively; but knowledge of the truth grows the more we hope in Christ.”
–St. Mark the Ascetic {a.k.a. Marcus Eremita, Athenian-born Monk and Desert Father, Fifth Century}
{No Righteousness by Works: “Philokalia Vol. 1”, p. 137, text 144-145}
“The Philokalia Vol 1: 001” (G.E.H. Palmer, Kallistos Timothy Ware, Philip Sherrard)
An Ocean of Knowledge
“Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child.”
–William Q. Judge (Irish-born American Lawyer, Mystic, Esotericist, Writer and one of the Founders of the Theosophical Society, 1851-1896)
Theology in Biology
“We have a theology in our biology. It is instinctual, just as birds know their paths, beavers build dams, and whales communicate with one another. We are born with knowledge of natural laws, through which the divine reveals or animates its presence in our bones, blood, tissues – our cellular beings.”
–Caroline Myss (American Medical Intuitive, Mystic and Author, 1952-)
“Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul’s Purpose” (Caroline Myss)