This is one of the most reliable signs of a true Master:
“There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first. When you learn to live for others, they will live for you.”
–Paramahansa Yogananda (Indian Spiritual Teacher and, in 1920, Founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship, 1893-1952)

“Meditation provides a way of learning how to let go. As we sit, the self we’ve been trying to construct and make a nice, neat package continues to unravel.”
–John Welwood (American Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Writer and Teacher on Psychospirituality, 1943-)

“Consciousness means freedom from attachment. You realize that the only thing you have to do it to keep yourself really straight, and then do whatever you do.”
–Ram Dass (a.k.a. Richard Alpert, American Spiritual Teacher, Author and Lecturer, 1931-)

“The poets, prophets, and visionaries of untold millenniums – Dante, Aquinas, and Augustine, al-Ghazali and Mohammed, Zarathustra, Shankaracharya, Nagarjuna, and T’ai Tsung, were not bad scientists making misstatements about the weather, or neurotics reading dreams into the stars, but masters of the human spirit teaching a wisdom of death and life. And the thesaurus of the myth-motifs was their vocabulary. They brooded on the state and way of man, and through their broodings came to wisdom; then teaching with the aid of the picture-language of myth, they worked changes on the patterns of their inherited iconographies.”
–Joseph Campbell (American Writer, Editor and Mythologist, 1904-1987)

“Flight of the Wild Gander: Explorations in the Mythological Dimension: Select Essays, 1944-1968” (Joseph Campbell)
Filed under Archetypes, Mythology, Spirituality, Wisdom · Tagged with Aquinas, Archetypes, Augustine, Dante, Joseph Campbell, Nagarjuna, Shankaracharya, Wisdom, Zarathustra

“The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology.”
–Ernst Friedrich (“E. F.”) Schumacher
(German-born British Economist and Developer of Concepts of Intermediate Technology and Author of Small is Beautiful, 1911-1977)

“Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered” (E. F. Schumacher)

“The Creator…in pointing with the word, he shows himself, and is revealed. This is the primal revelation, creation itself.”
–Georg Kühlewind (Hungarian Philosopher, Writer, Lecturer, and Meditation Teacher, 1924-2006)
{‘Becoming Aware of the Logos’ The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality Richard Leviton}

“Imagination of Pentecost” (Richard Leviton)

“And this is the true end set before the soul, to take that light, to see the Supreme by the Supreme and not by the light of any other principle – to see the Supreme which is also the means to the vision, for that which illumines the soul is that which it is to see, just as it is by the sun’s own light that we see the sun.”
–Plotinus (Egyptian-born Roman Philosopher and Founder of Neo-Platonism, A.D.205-270)
“The Soul Afire: Revelations of the Mystics” (Hans Ansgar Reinhold)

“By pondering upon the good, the beautiful, and the true, we transmute our lower instincts into higher divine qualities. The attractive power of God’s instinctual nature, with its capacity to synthesize, to attract and to blend, cooperates with the unrealized potencies of man’s own nature, and makes his eventual at-one-ment with God, in life and purpose, an inevitable, irresistible occurrence.”
–Alice A. Bailey (English Writer, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of the Arcane School, 1880-1949)

“Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the 7 Rays (A treatise on the seven rays) Book 2” (Alice A. Bailey)
Filed under Attraction, Beauty, Goodness, Transcendence, Truth · Tagged with Alice, Alice Bailey, Bailey, Beauty, Esoteric Psychology, Transcendence, Truth

“Laws of Nature are God’s thoughts thinking themselves out in the orbits and the tides.”
–Charles Henry Parkhurst (American Clergyman and Reformer, 1842-1933)

“12,000 Inspirational Quotations” (Frank S. Mead)

“The pure in heart see the Lord as the clear mirror reflects the sun.”
–Sri Ramakrishna (a.k.a. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Indian Hindu Mystic and Promoter of Universal Religion, 1836-1886)

“Cosmic Consciousness” (M.D. Richard Maurice Bucke)
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