“Each thing depends on all other things to be. That is interdependence. Nothing can be by itself alone. It has to inter-be with all other things.”
–Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, 1926-)

“Living Buddha, Living Christ 10th Anniversary Edition” (Thich Nhat Hanh)

“The harmonious cooperation of all beings arose, not from the orders of a superior authority external to themselves, but from the fact that they were all parts in a hierarchy of wholes forming a cosmic pattern, and what they obeyed were the internal dictates of their own natures. Modern science and the philosophy of organism, with its integrative levels, have come back to this wisdom, fortified by new understanding of cosmic, biological, and social evolution.”
–Joseph Needham (English Biochemist, Embryologist, and Historian of Science who wrote and edited Science and Civilization in China, 1900-1995)

“Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 1: Introductory Orientations” (Joseph Needham)

“We must learn about Wisdom from all things. As scripture says, ‘Wisdom has made and continues always to adapt everything (Ps. :). It is the cause of the unbreakable accommodation and order of all things and it is forever linking the goals of one set of things with the sources of another and in this fashion it makes a thing of beauty of the unity and the harmony of the whole.”
–Pseudo-Dionysius the Aeropagite (a.k.a. Pseudo-Denys, Anonymous Theologian and Philosopher, Late 5th and Early 6th Century)

“Pseudo Dionysius: The Complete Works (Classics of Western Spirituality)” (Pseudo Dionysius)

“The common origin of the human race is proved by the universal themes of folklore [and] legend…. Orientalism, the study of comparative religion, mythology, cultural anthropology, the history of civilization and art, esotericism, psychoanalysis, and symbolological research have all combined to provide us with ample material to substantiate psychological truth, and this essential oneness.”
–J.E. Cirlot (a.k.a. Juan Eduardo Cirlot Laporta, Spanish Poet, Art critic, Hermeneutist, Mythologist, Musician and Writer, 1916-1973)

“A Dictionary of Symbols (Dover Occult)” (J. E. Cirlot)

“All types of meditation…lead to the same golden center, for at the mystical level all religions have more in common than they differ, and all derive from the same source and long for the same goal.”
–Sophy Burnham (American Writer and Speaker, 1936-)

“The Ecstatic Journey – The Transforming Power of Mystical Experiences” (Sophy Burnham)

“We have a magnificent metaphor for the presence of love in our midst. Our fabulous technological ingenuity has created a world that is now linked by a pulsating electronic web, a global nervous system which demonstrates in a very concrete way that as a body of humanity we are all beautifully linked together, that we are all incredibly connected… the real challenge now is for us to see that it is love that is truly the web of our connection, that we are all of a piece as human beings and spirits, that we share the same joys and woes, that we partake of the same eternal spiritual destiny.”
–Daphne Rose Kingma (American Author, Speaker and Expert on Relationships)
‘A Profound Infusion of Love’ in:

“The Fabric of the Future: Women Visionaries Illuminate the Path to Tomorow” (Patrice Wynne, Ken Wilber)

That question sounds like a mouthful but it actually reflects an important strand in contemporary thinking. And one that will likely have profound effects on all our lives.
“What we encounter in everyday life are not discrete individuals and solid objects, but integral aspects of a unified energetic field.”
–Stanislav Grof (Czech-born American Physician, Psychiatrist, Writer and a Founder of Transpersonal Psychology, 1931-)

“Cosmic Game, The: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness” (Stanislav Grof)

“In the holographic domain, each organism represents in some manner the universe, and each portion of the universe represents in some manner the organism within it.”
–Karl Pribram (Austrian-born American Neuroscientist, 1919-)
In: “What the Fuss is All About” The Holographic Paradigm p 34

“Holographic Paradigm And Other Paradoxes – Exploring The Leading Edge Of Science” (Ken, Editor; featuring Weber, Renee; Bohm, David; Ferguson, Marilyn; Capra, Fritjof… Wilber)

“Science, like life, feeds on its own decay. New facts burst old rules; then newly divined conceptions bind old and new together into a reconciling law.”
–William James (American Psychologist and Philosopher, 1842-1910

“The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy” (William, 1842-1910 James)

“When we forgive ourselves there is room now for another. When we forgive others there is room then for the rest of the world. Forgiveness gradually retrieves the heart. And with it a sense of all the hearts struggling at that moment to the surface.”
–Stephen Levine (American Poet, Writer and Spiritual Teacher Best Known for His Work on Grief, Death and Dying, 1937-)

“Turning Toward the Mystery: A Seeker’s Journey” (Stephen Levine)
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