Communion and Union With the Beloved
“In nearly all traditions, sacred psychology assumes that the deepest yearning in every human soul is to return to its spiritual source, there to experience communion and even union with the Beloved.”
–Jean Houston (American Scholar, Researcher and Author on Human Potentialities, 1937-)
“The Search for the Beloved: Journeys in Mythology and Sacred Psychology” (Jean Houston)
The Beloved of the Soul
“We remember, if only as a dream, Sun Self, Sea Self, Unitive Being, the Beloved of the soul. And we cry to dream again….it is time for the rebirth of the spirit. However unlikely it may seem, we are to be the midwives of God.”
–Jean Houston (American Scholar, Researcher and Author on Human Potentialities, 1937-)
“The Search for the Beloved: Journeys in Mythology and Sacred Psychology” (Jean Houston)
The Great Chain of Being
“Everything is bound up with everything else in a pattern both absolute and universal. We are links in the great chain of being, in which the hierarchy of the human body parallels the hierarchies of the nature, the state, the cosmos.”
–Jean Houston (American Scholar, Researcher and Author on Human Potentialities, 1937-)