Integrated Medicine
Information and Contacts
- A Modern Herbal
- A.R.E. Clinic
- ABC Homeopathy
- Academy for Guided Imagery
- Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences
- Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
- – A Comprehensive Acupuncture Research Resource
- Acupressure Institute
- Acupuncture.Com
- Alaskan Essences
- Alternative Cancer Treatments
- Alternative Medicine Network
- American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
- American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts
- American Academy of Osteopathy
- American Art Therapy Association
- American Association of Integrative Medicine
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- American Association of Oriental Medicine
- American Chiropractic Association
- American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- American Herbalists Guild
- American Holistic Health Association
- American Holistic Medical Association
- American Institute of Homeopathy
- American Institute of Vedic Studies
- American Massage Therapy Association
- American Music Therapy Association
- American Naturopathic Medical Association
- American Polarity Therapy Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Society for the Alexander Technique
- Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
- Aromatherapy Schools
- Assemblage Point Centre
- Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
- Association for Humanistic Psychology
- Atlantic University
- Ayurveda Holistic Community
- Ayurvedic Institute
- Bach Flower Essences and FES Flower Essences: A Resource Guide
- Barbara Brennan School of Healing
- Bastyr University
- British Library Portal: Open Access to Books and Paper on Integrated Medicine
- British Medical Acupuncture Society
- British Naturopathic Association
- California Institute of Integral Studies
- Classical Homeopathy
- Clayton College of Natural Health
- Colorpuncture
- Core Energetics
- Direction – A Journal On The Alexander Technique
- Dr Edward Bach Centre
- DynaMed
- Energy Tools
- Everything Herbal
- External Qi Healing
- Federation of Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Practices
- Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education
- Flower Essence Services: Bridging Body and Soul
- Flower Essence Society
- Foundation for Integrated Medicine
- Guided Imagery
- Healing People Network
- Health On the Net Foundation
- HealthWorld Online
- HeartMath
- Herb Research Foundation
- HerbMed
- Holistic Dental Association
- Holistic Health Online
- Holistic Medicine
- Holistic Medicine, Alternative Therapy & Complementary Health
- Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians
- Homeopathic Educational Services
- Homoeopathy-UK
- Hypnotherapy Academy of America
- International Center for Release and Integration
- International Chiropractors Association
- International College of Applied Kinesiology
- International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
- International Institute of Reflexology
- Jinshindo Bodymind Acupressure
- Maharishi Medical Centers
- Martindale’s Pharmacology Center
- Mayo Clinic: Hypnosis
- National Acupuncture Detoxification Association
- National Association of Nurse Massage Therapists
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- National Center for Homeopathy
- National Federation of Spiritual Healers
- Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
- Natural Standard, The Authority on Integrative Medicine
- NICABM Behavioral Medicine Mind Body Medicine
- Nurse Healers – Professional Associates International
- Original Bach Flower Essences
- Orthomolecular Medicine
- Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
- Planet Herbs
- Qigong Association
- Qigong Institute
- Research Council for Complementary Medicine Database of Research
- Rivermaya
- Rolf Institute
- Rubenfeld Synergy Method
- Search in the Datadiwan
- Shen Therapy
- Sloan-Kettering – About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products
- Society for Light Treatment & Biological Rhythms
- Society of Homeopaths
- Sound Wave Energy
- The Assemblage Point Centre
- The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
- The Doctors’ Medical Library
- The Heart of Health
- The International Center for Reiki Training
- The National Association For Holistic Aromatherapy
- The Preventive Medicine Research Institute
- The Reiki Association
- The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration
- Thought Field Therapy
- Touch for Health
- Trager Institute
- UKATA: What is the Alexander Technique?
- United States Association of Body Psychotherapy
- Whole Health Now
- Workplace Spirituality
- World Reiki Association
If you need further assistance or information, please let us know.
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NOTE: We provide these resources for informational purposes only. We are not affiliated with these providers, nor are we responsible for their recommendations or content. Neither Richard G. Petty, M.D. nor Richard George Petty, Inc. can guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or reliability of the information and services of the sources to which you find links on this website.