Richard G. Petty, MD

The Sacred Earth


“The whole earth is the altar whereon God pours out His life and love.”      

–Agnes Sanford (American Charismatic Christian Healer, teacher and Writer, 1897-1982)

“Sealed Orders” (Agnes Sanford)

Re-Enchanting the World


“Because disenchantment is intrinsic to the scientific worldview, the modern epoch contained, from its inception, an inherent instability that severely limited its ability to sustain itself for more than a few centuries. For more than 99 percent of human history, the world was enchanted and man saw himself as an integral part of it.

The complete reversal of this perception in a mere four hundred years or so has destroyed the continuity of the human experience and the integrity of the human psyche. It has nearly wrecked the planet as well.

The only hope, or so it seems to me, lies in a re-enchantment of the world.”

–Morris Berman (American Cultural Historian, Writer and Visiting Faculty Member of the Catholic University of America, 1944-)   

Hiding Behind Four Veils


“Four veils hide God from us: solids, liquids, gases and light.
Lift these veils and find God everywhere, in everything.”     

–Paramahansa Yogananda

 (Indian Spiritual Teacher and, in 1920, Founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship, 1893-1952)   

Divinity is Everywhere

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“If God is all-pervading and everywhere, Divinity must be in the marketplace as much as in the desert, in the bank as much as in the jungle, in the court of law as much as in the solitary mountain.”

–Annie Besant (English Social Reformer, Fabian, Theosophist and Leader in the Movement for Indian Independence, 1847-1933)

“London lectures of 1907” (Annie Wood Besant)

On Fire With Sacredness

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“All Creation is on fire with sacredness; the Buddha nature and the Cosmic Christ and the image of God reside in the very light photons present in every atom in the universe.”

–Matthew Fox (a.k.a. Timothy James, American Theologian and Priest, 1940-)   

“One River, Many Wells” (Matthew Fox)

The Sacred in the Web of Life

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“The sacred, at the core of all physical things, expresses itself in patterns of the Web of Life of the Earth. These patterns are a part of that living bible of the Earth.”

Stephen Harrod Buhner (American Poet, Writer, Ecologist and Psychotherapist, 1952-)    

“One Spirit, Many Peoples: A Manifesto for Earth Spirituality” (Stephen Harrod Buhner)   

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