Sleeping Policemen
In Europe, speed bumps are called "Sleeping Policemen."
I never thought to see the real thing.
Three thirty on Sunday morning I was on my way home from the airport.
Headlights full on, trying to stay awake by singing along with some REALLY loud Iron Maiden, I was tooling down the road at "more or less" the speed limit.
When horror of horrors, I spied a hidden police car in the road leading into the Horse Park.
In less than a second, I turned down the lights, cut the music – and my singing – and slammed on the anchors. I passed him at a sedate 45 mph.
I needn’t have bothered. He was all tucked up and fast asleep. Even had a comfy looking pillow.
He looked so content, I was in half a mind to go and take a picture. But then I thought, "What if he’s also got Teddy with him?" That would not be a good thing to have recorded on film…….