Richard G. Petty, MD

Accepting Oneness

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“Acceptance of the oneness of the Universe is essential for those feeling fragmented and alone and lacking a sense of spiritual connection.”        

–Meredith L. Young-Sowers (American Writer and Creator of the Stillpoint Model of Integrative Life Healing, 1944-)      

“Agartha The Essential Guide to Personal Transformation in the New Era” (Meredith Lady Young)   

Opening to Enlightenment

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“Enlightenment has already found a home within your heart. You have but to loosen the confines in which it is held and allow the realization of your oneness with God to fly freely to your conscious mind. You must have eyes to see, ears to hear and mind to understand the language of the heart.”           

–Meredith L. Young-Sowers (American Writer and Creator of the Stillpoint Model of Integrative Life Healing)

“Agartha: The Essential Guide to Personal Transformation in the New Era” (Meredith Lady Young)

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