Richard G. Petty, MD

Ancient Stories That Guide Our Lives

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“Whereas we think in periods of years, the unconscious thinks and lives in terms of millennia. So when something happens that seems to us an unexampled novelty, it is generally a very old story indeed. We still forget, like children, what happened yesterday. We are still living in a wonderful new world where man thinks himself astonishingly new and “modern.” This is unmistakable proof of the youthfulness of human consciousness, which has not yet grown aware of its historical antecedents.”

–Carl G. Jung (Swiss Psychologist and Psychiatrist, 1875-1961)

“The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1)” (C. G. Jung)

Symbols, Images and Archetypes

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“Symbols, images, and archetypes…are the key regulators and main ‘switches’ of human consciousness and of one’s inner life. It is through them that all alterations, focusing, and expansion of human consciousness take place, for they are the regulators, accumulators, and transformers of human consciousness. They enable a person to connect himself (and his field of consciousness) temporarily and to identify with something greater and larger than he is and, thus, slowly to transcend himself and actualize his latent energies, faculties, and potentialities.”    

–Peter Roche de Coppens (American Writer and Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania)           

“The Divine Light and Fire: Experiencing Esoteric Christianity” (Peter Roche De Coppens)   


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“Symbols, images, and archetypes…are the key regulators and main ‘switches’ of human consciousness and of one’s inner life.

It is through them that all alterations, focusing, and expansion of human consciousness take place, for they are the regulators, accumulators, and transformers of human consciousness.

They enable a person to connect himself (and his field of consciousness) temporarily and to identify with something greater and larger than he is and, thus, slowly to transcend himself and actualize his latent energies, faculties, and potentialities.”

–Peter Roche de Coppens (American Writer and Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania)

Divine Light and Fire, Experiencing Esoteric Christianity

Something Beyond the Borderline

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“That there is something beyond the borderline, beyond the frontiers of knowledge, is shown by the archetypes and most clearly of all, by numbers, which this side of the border are quantities but on the other side are autonomous psychic entities, capable of making qualitative statements which manifest themselves in a priori patterns of order.”        

–Carl G. Jung (Swiss Psychologist and Psychiatrist, 1875-1961)   

“Flying Saucers : A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies” (C. G. Jung)

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight

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“The geometry of the archetypes and the Universal Mind are evident in the principles of symmetry which pervade nature and art. Symmetry shows us a glimpse of the ideal beauty which is reflected in nature, infusing it with order. Symmetry is universal; it can be found everywhere as the broad principle of balance and harmony.”

–Shirley J. Nicholson (American Teacher, Theosophist, Author, Former Chief Editor of Quest Books and Resident Head of the Krotona Community)

“Ancient Wisdom – Modern Insight (Quest Books)” (Shirley J. Nicholson)

Beyond the Borderline


“That there is something beyond the borderline, beyond the frontiers of knowledge, is shown by the archetypes and most clearly of all, by numbers, which this side of the border are quantities but on the other side are autonomous psychic entities, capable of making qualitative statements which manifest themselves in a priori patterns of order.”

–Carl G. Jung (Swiss Psychologist and Psychiatrist, 1875-1961″

“Flying Saucers : A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies” (C. G. Jung)



“Traditions are the guideposts driven deep in our subconscious minds. The most powerful ones are those we can’t even describe and aren’t even aware of.”           

–Ellen Goodman (American Newspaper Columnist, 1941-)


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“The geometry of the archetypes and the Universal Mind are evident in the principles of symmetry which pervade nature and art. Symmetry shows us a glimpse of the ideal beauty which is reflected in nature, infusing it with order. Symmetry is universal; it can be found everywhere as the broad principle of balance and harmony.”          

–Shirley J. Nicholson (American Teacher, Theosophist, Author, Former Chief Editor of Quest Books and Resident Head of the Krotona Community)   

“Ancient Wisdom – Modern Insight (Quest Books)” (Shirley J. Nicholson)


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“Numbers, as archetypal structural constants of the collective unconscious, possess a dynamic, active aspect which is especially important to keep in mind. It is not what we can do with numbers but what they do to our consciousness that is essential.”

–Marie-Louise von Franz (German-born Swiss Jungian Psychologist and Author, 1915-1998)   

The Need for Myths

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“Myths and legends die hard in America. We love them for the extra dimension they provide, the illusion of near-infinite possibility to erase the narrow confines of most men’s reality. Weird heroes and mold-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of “the rat race” is not yet final.”       

–Hunter S. Thompson (American Journalist and Writer, 1937-2005)   

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