Richard G. Petty, MD

Marital Conflict and Hardening of the Arteries

The Bible contains at least three references to the undesirability of hardening one’s heart:

“And the Lord said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.” — Exodus 4: 21

The BBC is carrying a report of a paper presented to the American Psychosomatic Society meeting in Denver Colorado. Researchers from the University of Utah have added another piece of evidence that marital conflict bad for you. In a previous posting I discussed the evidence that marital conflict can compromise the immune system. Now we have confirmation that marital conflict can also have an adverse effect on the coronary arteries, leading to hardening and calcification of these crucial blood vessels.

The researchers studied 150 married couples, with at least one partner in their sixties. None of the people in the study had ever been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Each couple was asked to pick a topic that caused disagreements in their marriage: topics included money, disagreements about in-laws, children, vacations and household chores. They were then videoed while they discussed the topic, and the videos were watched by psychology students who coded comments as friendly or hostile, submissive, or dominant or controlling. Cardiac scans were then done to look for signs of disease.

Wives who made the most hostile comments during the discussion had a greater degree of calcification of their coronary arteries, indicating the build up of plaque in these crucial arteries. It is not just the behavior of one person: the highest levels of calcification were found in women who behaved in a hostile and unfriendly way and who were interacting with husbands who were also hostile and unfriendly. Husbands who were more controlling, or who were more dominating, or whose wives were controlling or dominating, were also more likely to have more severe hardening of their arteries than other men.

These findings are in line with everything that I have been writing about looking at all the five dimensions or domains of a person: physical, psychological, social, subtle and spiritual. If you ask most people what they are doing to protect themselves against heart disease, they will probably talk about not smoking, taking exercise and healthy eating. That response is correct, but inadequate. Toxic relationships are just as dangerous, as are certain psychological response styles. For many years it was thought that the so-called “Type A personality,” was a risk factor for coronary artery disease, but research has shown that it is just two aspects of this response style that are responsible for the increased risk of coronary artery disease: anger and hostility.

Disagreements are bound to come up in any relationship, but the way that we communicate gives us a great opportunity to do something healthier for both people. In my book Healing, Meaning and Purpose I discuss the wonderful work of Riane Eisler, and I talk a lot about methods of transforming relationships from an unhealthy dominator model into a healthy partnership model.

Particularly if you are in a relationship, I urge you to take some action today to move towards greater heart health.

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Stressful Marriages Can be Damaging to Your Health

There is an extremely interesting article in the month’s Archives of General Psychiatry, which was picked up by the media that examined how marital stress effects healing.

Most people now accept that the mind has powerful effects on the body, though as recently as the 1970s this was still regarded as rank heresy by many in the medical community. This new study is important for our understanding of the relationship between stress and physical health, and gives us further insights into how we can help ourselves stay well.

The study was done at Ohio State University and examines 42 married couples. Each person was given small skin lesions, and the startling finding was that in hostile couples, the wounds healed 60% more slowly than they did in non-hostile couples. The investigators even identified an inflammatory mediator called interleukin-6 (IL-6), as the biochemical link between hostility and slow wound healing. IL-6 levels are linked to long-term inflammation, which is in turn implicated in a number of illnesses, including diabetes mellitus, arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

A thirty-minute disagreement with a spouse could push back wound healing for 24 hours. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is exquisitely sensitive to stress: just thing of blushing and getting zits when under stress. So it is difficult to extrapolate from these findings in the skin, to try and predict what would happen with healing of internal organs. But we do have enough information already to say the following:

1. Allowing yourself to become involved in an argument may have long-term physical effects on you.

2. Some years ago I worked with a group of fine people who did just one thing that I did not like: they were wedded to the idea that it is a really good idea to vent your feelings. They would go as far as allowing patients to hit walls and other inanimate objects. I was never keen on this, feeling that expressing a lot of negative emotion could be counter-productive. After a patient broke bones in his hand after striking the wall, I quietly put an end to the practice. This new research indicates that I was correct to do so.

3. If you are going to have surgery, it is a good idea to be in a calm and peaceful frame of mind.

4. Stress is often unpredictable so it is a really good idea to be engaged in some ongoing stress management practice, so that you are better able to deal with the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," as Shakespeare put it over four hundred years ago. Clearly this doesn’t mean that you have to walk around like a burned out hippy on Quaaludes. Unless you really want to…. The best techniques that I know of for dealing with stress are the Sixty Second Peace Technique, Qigong and Yoga Breathing. If you have your own method, then stick with it. Otherwise you may want to check out some of the materials that I have written and recorded.

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