Richard G. Petty, MD

Your Purpose

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“Man has come here with a definite purpose. Life is not meant merely for eating drinking and procreating.”          

–Sri Swami Sivananda (Indian Physician and Spiritual Teacher, 1887-1963)

“Vedanta for the Western World” (Christopher Isherwood)   

Everyday Enlightenment

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“God realization does not begin in a cave high atop the Himalayas. It begins in the pots and pans of the kitchen. treat all your tasks, however small, as opportunities to see God and serve him.”      

–Sri Swami Sivananda (Indian Physician and Spiritual Teacher, 1887-1963)   

Detaching from Mistakes

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“Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.”  

–Sri Swami Sivananda (Indian Physician and Spiritual Teacher, 1887-1963)   

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